Monday, May 23, 2011


Our last month of preschool we have been learning about poetry. We've read lots of fun poem and the kids have brought some into class to share. We also read one of my favorite Fancy Nancy Stories: Poet Extraordinaire

In the story her class makes a Poet-Tree and on each leaf they write their own poem. We decided to create our own Poet-Tree for our class. We wrote the names of the poem's we've read in class on triangle shaped leaves (the kids came up with the idea) and put them on our Christmas Tree Shaped, Poet-Tree that the kids colored themselves.

Mother's Day

For Mother's day we reviewed one of the artists we studied this year, Rembrandt and talked about Portraits. Instead of doing self portraits, we did portraits of our Moms. We talked about what color hair they have, whether it's straight or curly, long or short, what color their eyes are, etc etc. It was fun to see the progression they showed from the first time we did portraits.

Aren't our preschool Mom's Beautiful?!!!

My favorite part of this project was what we did on the back. I interviewed each child and asked them questions about their Moms.

Some of the answers were priceless!

Butterfly Unit

Butterfly Larvae

Making caterpillars out of egg cartons

Symmetrical Butterfly Paintings

We painted one side of the butterfly and then stamped the other side to learn about symmetry.

Goodbye Butterflies!

After a few weeks of watching our butterflies develop and observing them it was time to let them fly away!

The kids were really brave about pulling the butterflies out their cage and it was so fun to see them sit on their hands for a few minutes before they took off to the open air.

Easter Eggs

In preparation for our egg decorating the kids made nests. we used brown paper bags and they found sticks, leaves, and grass to glue onto the outsides. For our Easter eggs we boiled eggs and while they were still warm the kids decorated by drawing with crayons and sprinkling them with crayon shavings. It was fun to watch the crayons melt on contact with the eggs!

This would be a great at-home activity.


During our week of Easter celebrating the kids got to play with (empty) easter eggs. First we took a buckets of unmatched halves and the kids spent time matching them up. Then they each got to hide some around the yard and let the other kids hunt them down.

Georgia O'Keefe Flower Paintings

We learned about Georgia O'Keefe in April and we studied some of her many paintings of flowers. We discussed the parts of a flower and each of the kids brought their own flower to class to share. We used their flowers to give us some inspiration as we painted. This was a lot of fun!