Monday, April 4, 2011

Hibernation Celebration

At the end of January we concluded our Winter theme by having a "Hibernation Celebration". We talked about Bears the week before and how they hibernate in the winter. We read a cute story called, "Little Brown Bear Won't take a Nap" by Jane Dyer; a story about a little bear that wants to go South with the Geese instead of taking his Winter Nap.

We also read "Brown Bear Brown Bear", by Eric Carle. After reading this story each of the kids got to take home one of the characters from Brown Bear Brown Bear and had a homework assignment to decorate their animal in a specific color using any material. It was so fun to see the results and we will be using them in a reader's theater at our end of the year program.

We made "Caves" for our bears to hibernate in on Tuesday out of brown paper sacks and then on Thursday when the kids brought their bears to class they went outside to collect things for their cave (sticks, rocks, leaves, etc) to make their Bears cozy while they were hibernating. Then they each picked a spot to place their cave and we left them there until the end of class.

Practicing our Brown Bear Reader's Theater

For Snack we sorted gummy bears by their colors and then took a poll to see our various results.

Playing "Wake Up Mr. Bear"

Waking up the Bears after their "Long Winter's Sleep!"

It's Spring!!!

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